Request Rally Service

The Fleetwood RV Factory Service Center team travels throughout the year to provide limited repairs and service to attendees of national RV rallies or owner club events. Fleetwood RV owners who attend these events qualify for on-site rally service. Please read the information and complete the service request form below, providing as much detail as possible. A member of our Rally service team will contact you after you have submitted your request. The Rally Service Request form is only available when a service is available at an upcoming rally.

Rally And Event Repair Guidelines

Owners Clubs and National Events – Limited to a maximum of 2 functional items repaired.

  • Labor will be provided at no charge, compliments of Fleetwood RV.
  • All replaced components which qualify for supplier or Fleetwood RV warranty will be provided at no charge to the customer.
  • Any replaced components that are not within either the supplier or the Fleetwood RV warranty term limitations will be provided at a cost to the customer, but at a significantly discounted price. This special component pricing only applies to services provided at a rallies and events, and may exclude some components.

Items That Cannot Be Addressed At A Rally

Safety Related Exclusions
  • Because we do not have fall protection available, our technicians will not be permitted to get on top of a motorhome roof at any time.
  • Any repairs requiring lifting or jacking of the motorhome, or that would require a technician to work under a motorhome cannot be performed at a rally.
  • Any other repair creating a safety risk for the technician at the discretion of the rally service supervisor

Other Exclusions
  • Certain repairs of doors, windows or windshields
  • Paint and body repairs
  • Installation of accessories or after-market modifications
  • Cosmetic repairs
  • Water filters and/or maintenance items
  • Any other repair that cannot be completed in the field at the discretion of the rally service supervisor. Chassis repairs will only be performed by and at the discretion of the chassis’ manufacturer.
  • Certain component repairs or adjustments may only be performed by and at the discretion of the component’s supplier If you have any questions please see your service representative at the rally or event.

If you have any questions, please see your service representative at the rally.

Submit Rally Request Form

There are no rallies scheduled at this time, but we’re always planning our next adventure. Be sure to check the events page for upcoming events and rallies.